
New Character reveal from Wonderworld: The Valley of Lost Souls. Meet Weeds.

“I’m not much of a fan of plans. Making plans has always gotten me into trouble. “–Weeds.

From the first book, The Valley of Lost Souls” in the Wonderworld series by Patricia L. Meek

Weeds is one of my favorite characters. He is a rugged mountain man who makes a terrifying discovery on Mt. Balanca, one of the last of the Free Air Zones.



book one


Something is wrong with Wonderworld the virtual reality game of the future.

The immersive virtual reality game Wonderworld is a global sensation, but within its captivating allure, a sinister web awaits. 

Alyson Keane, the celebrity world-builder of Wonderworld, a massively multiplayer online VR role-playing game (MMORPG), inspired by the book by Lewis Carrol, is determined to uncover why her software is malfunctioning before a new brain chip is released. Gamers have gotten sick, some are missing, and most are addicted after entering her digital multiverse. With her latest VR port on the line, Alyson races against time to save her creation and the gamers unknowingly trapped inside. Amidst corporate intrigue and a broken heart, Alyson’s quest takes her down a rabbit hole of technological conspiracy, a digital dreamscape pitted against the natural and dying world, and an unraveling of the reality she has always known. In this electrifying saga of virtual reality, addiction, and indomitable spirit, Wonderworld: The Valley of Lost Souls is a techno-thriller where Alice in Wonderland meets Alien in digital and cosmic space. 

Follow me on my journey to get this novel published by liking, sharing, and commenting directly on my website. Kindly, Patricia, creator and author of the Wonderworld series. Seeking representation.

A.I. Talking Portraits Brings Wonderworld to Life.

This is Queen Mother AbysssX. She is the ultimate evil in my Wonderworld series. The three novels are complete. The first book is called In The Valley of Lost Souls. The second novel is called, The Shadow Ports, and the final book is called The Mastery Stone. I am seeking representation for the first book and publication. My goal is to get enough followers on my social media platforms to get attention from agents and publishers. I invite you come a long with me on this journey to bring these dynamic characters to life by following me on this website, and on TikTok at patricialmeek2 and my author page on Facebook. Patricia L. Meek, author. Together, we can make this happen.

What’s behind the mask? Queen Mother AbysssX as she really looks. Queen Mother AbsssX has control over humans through portal technology used in VR and is “feeding” off human energy in Wonderworld.

Wonderworld: The Valley of Lost Souls

A SyFy techno-thriller about time, space, and the enduring truth of love-by Patricia L. Meek.

The White Rabbit: A.I. Art by Patricia L. Meek.

“No one anticipated how many virtual adventurers would resonate with the Victorian tale of a young girl who falls down a rabbit hole and enters a fanciful dis-reality about time. Five hundred million members have docked at our VR ports, paid their data coin, and have slid down the rabbit hole into Wonderworld.”

–Alyson Keane, world builder, and creator of Wonderworld. From Wonderworld: The Valley of Lost Souls, a novel by Patricia L. Meek, seeking representation.